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"Purpose to Profits" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interviews, and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to 
Turn Your Purpose as a Consultant or Coach into Profitable Reality!


Welcome to the "Enough Already" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interview and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to
Get Seen and Paid What You're Worth

Employee Engagement is Unethical

When I met with three aspiring consultants who are very passionate about parlaying their experience to help companies create healthy work environments and engaged employees. They almost fell out their chairs when I told them that I am starting to see that employee engagement is actually...

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Five Steps to Designing a High-Impact Executive Team Meeting Agenda

Want to know the steps to designing a high-impact executive team meeting agenda? If you're a consultant or coach your answer should be a resounding yet because at some point all consultants will be on the hook to lead a senior team meeting. Meetings get such a bad rap now and are perceived as...

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Consulting vs. Leading

Too many consultants tank their success because they do not clearly understand the difference between consulting vs. leading.

Consulting is a defined role that is distinct from leadership. A consultant is one who helps a leader by framing the problems that the leader is accountable for solving....

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The 5 Steps of the Consulting Engagement Cycle

You have launched your consultancy business. Your marketing efforts have paid off. All of your activities on social media and public speaking worked. You created a proposal, negotiated and renegotiated with your client, and the deal is done. 

Now, you're wondering what to do next.

Just like...

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How to Position Yourself as a Peer with Executives [Behind-the-Scenes Tutorial]

Are you tired of the endless chase for small-paying consulting gigs? Are you so over those labor intensive projects that keep you as busy as you were when you were an employee? Do you want to stop under-valuing yourself through sub-contracting with other consultants and take your place as a...

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How to Grow Your Impact and Income with Assessments [Behind-the-Scenes Tutorial]

You can look at the role of a consultant as someone who simply provides solutions to enhance leadership and business results. 

Or you can see the role through a more meaningful lens as someone who comes alongside senior executives in order to speak truth to power and influence decisions that...

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How to Write a Consulting Proposal that Lands Six-Figure Fees [Behind-the-Scenes Tutorial]

Want to know what a perfect consulting proposal template looks like? Wish someone can take you behind the scenes so you can see for yourself how to structure a consulting proposal that commands six-figures?

Then you're going to love what I'm going to share with you in this video...

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Here's a Method for Helping a Leader Hold Employees Accountable

Got a conflict-avoidant client and not sure how to help them? I want to give you some message points to help them understand why holding their employees accountable is in everyone's best interest and some ideas on how to equip them to more effective. 

The Message Points - Why...

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How Good Companies Become Market Leaders (Without an Infusion of Capital) with Charles Browne

Interview Transcript:

Betsy Jordyn: Hey, it’s Betsy Jordyn of the Consultant’s Institute, and I’m so excited to interview Charles Browne.  And our topic today is really focusing on those product companies.  You know what I’m talking about, the...

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5 Shifts to Instantly Increase Your Consulting Business Success and Impact

The cold, hard facts about the consulting profession is that most change efforts fail. The failure has little to do with the quality of our project plans or recommended message points. Failure has everything do with ineffective change leadership at the top.

It's for this reason, the number...

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Stages of Power in Leadership and Organizations

The other day I wrote an article on the difference between power over and power with/within leadership approaches. In a nutshell "power over" leadership is all about control and dominance and finding one's source of power from a position, titles, salary, etc. vs. "power with and with" leadership...

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What You Should Know About Power, Leadership and Consulting

At the end of the day, executive leadership is about power.

The quality of an executive isn't defined by whether or not they take the time to get to walk their areas and get to know their employees personally. The quality of a leader also isn't defined by how motivational their speeches are or...

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